Undocumented Filmmakers Collective: Open Letter

Contributor to the Undocumented Filmmakers Collective, 2019

Undocumented media-makers will not be erased in the conversation around the issues affecting our community, families, and very lives. We demand a new system of telling the stories of our community. At a time like this, a production like Living Undocumented is a significant opportunity to transform the narrative status quo about us in this country, which makes it that much more important for us to lift our voice about this series. Being undocumented, we have been forced to adopt alternate modes of thinking, not only for comfort in our times of uncertainty, but for survival as we invent ingenious solutions to overcome our problems and thrive. We take ownership on how we can focus this perspective on to the issues that envelop us and communicate them in our way. Only then will we be able to truly let the audience into our lives. Only then will we invite solidarity, because we will no longer be represented in misery, merely gazed at with empathy. Instead, we will be seen through our own eyes, with a nuanced understanding of our very own experience.


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